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1) Apples: 10-15
2) Cinnamon: as required
3) Sugar: as required
4) Water: 5 glass, as required


1) Wash all apples with water and then remove seeds from all apples. Now cut all apples into slices. 

2) Put apples to the shaker and add 2-3 glass of water to simply shaker. Remember this, it is pretty diluted juice.
This juice may additionally come out a piece robust, however it’s a lot less complicated to dilute the juice with extra water instead of trying to make the taste stronger.

3) Boil all apples for about 10-20 minutes at low steam. Now filter with the help of any filtration.

4) Slowly ladle the recent juice/apple combination into a nice mesh strainer and gently mash the apples. Again filter the juice. You can place the left pulpy mass in other bowl for reuse. Repeat this process with left pulp until all your juice is inside the bowl.

5) Taste the juice, You can add more sugar or cinnamon on your taste. If you feel the taste of juice is too robust, add some more water.

7) Remember, refrigerate juice for a week only because you are not add any preservatives in preparation.